
I’ve written before about my tradition of dedicating each new year to a certain word or theme, which acts as a guiding force for my intentions throughout the year. You’d think I would pick ‘vision’ for the year of 2020, since it’s a pun I just can’t seem to get enough of. That felt a little too easy, and if you know me, you know I don’t like to take the easy path in life.

This year shall be dedicated to being magnetic.

To me, the idea of magnetism means attracting the things that are right for you. If you want to get all woowoo about it, I guess it means vibrating at a frequency that attracts the same or similar frequencies to you. I want to dedicate this year to only saying ‘yes’ to things that make me vibrate with joy and excitement. To letting go of the fear and uncertainty that lowers my vibration. To be so deeply comfortable with who I am that I only attract people who want to lift me up and share in my joys. I want to challenge myself to live a more fulfilling life. Not just survive, but to be fully ALIVE.

When you step in to who you are, and live your life to the full potential, you become magnetic. I am drawn to people who live like this, and I think it’s about damn time I become one of them.

Cheers to becoming more magnetic and finding your own true north this year.