20/20 Vision
I’m not big on resolutions. I’ve written many in the past years, but I have a hard time sticking to them; following through. Not sure what that says about me, but that’s not really the point. I cross off a few goals, check some boxes, but in the grand scheme of things by the time the end of the year comes along, I seldom think of or even remember what I aspired to accomplish.
So this year instead of writing some life-altering list, I’ve decided to focus on the small simple pleasures.
Enjoying the smell of clean sheets
Swimming any chance I get
Putting my phone away
Going for long walks
Telling people I love them
Learning - specifically about cooking and the science of food, and generally about anything that tickles my fancy
Singing in the car
Moving my body in any way that feels good
Trusting my gut
Practicing gratitude for everyday things I generally take for granted
Walking barefoot in the grass
Eating all the fruit this summer
Spontaneous dance parties
Donating things I don’t use
Listening to the ocean
Moving meditation — a.k.a. putting one foot in front of the other (or what some people may call ‘running’)
Sprinkling kindness around like it’s confetti — especially all over myself
Cheese boards, oysters, and dessert
Feeling the warm breeze on my skin
Literally stopping to smell the roses
Smelling like bonfires for extended periods of time
Writing — be it on here or just in my journal
Eye contact
Laughing, especially at myself (because I am the funniest person I know)
Coffee — but like good coffee
Cooking for people I love
Sunrises and Sunsets
Spending time alone
Candid photos
And surely more great things to come.