Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret?

I can.

In fact, it’s one of my greatest skills; almost like a superpower. I pride myself on my ability to keep my lips sealed. This confidential character trait most likely stems from my genuine effort to live by the golden rule. If the situation were reversed, I know I’d want you to keep my secrets under lock and key, hence the mutual respect.

People have been confiding in me for as long as I can remember. Sharing bits and pieces of gossip, distress, and life-altering information. I listen with an open ear and time after time I keep it to myself. I’m like a steel trap. A patient, non-judgemental sponge to absorb your worries. My strong distaste for unsolicited advice really adds to the allure, or so I assume.

Aside from my general respect for other people’s privacy, I also have an absolutely terrible memory. If I were ever tempted to blab (not that this situation arises frequently), chances are I couldn’t recall what was shared with me in the first place!

So there you have it — an open invitation to slide into my DMs and unload anything that’s been bothering you. I will keep it to myself, and that’s a promise! [lucky for you, keeping my promise is another amazing skill I possess]